Posted on: March 23, 2023
Local Law 196: Who is Required to Take NYC Site Safety Training?

If you're looking into employment in New York City construction, one of the first questions you will ask is what NYC's OSHA requirements are. That's when you'll get many confusing results about NYC DOB, Local Law 196, and OSHA/SST card…stuff.
New York City has its own unique construction safety training program. The requirements go above and beyond what any other U.S. city or state may require, so you must take additional safety courses even if you've already earned an OSHA 10 or 30 card elsewhere.
What is Local Law 196?
In 2017, New York City passed Local Law 196 to establish new safety training requirements on building sites that require a construction superintendent, site safety manager, or site safety coordinator. The law holds the permit holders at these sites responsible for compliance with the law.
The original law laid out some safety topics to be considered for Site Safety Training (SST) curriculum, but it didn't get into the specifics. Local Law 196 left the details up to an "SST Task Force" to be designated by the mayor.
The original deadline for full compliance with Local Law 196 was "not later than" September 1, 2020. It probably won't surprise you that the date got bumped repeatedly. The law came into full effect on March 1, 2021, so all construction workers on applicable sites now must meet the entire Site Safety Training requirements.
40-Hour NYC SST Training for New Entrants
40-hour NYC SST Training for Workers
NYC SST: 62 Hour Complete Supervisor Safety Package
What's the Relationship Between NYC DOB & Local Law 196?
The New York City Department of Buildings (NYC DOB) enforces Local Law 196 and manages the required training.
As a construction/demolition worker, the important thing is to make sure you're taking SST training from a DOB-approved training provider, or you won't qualify for a valid SST card.
What's the Relationship Between OSHA & SST Cards?
OSHA has nothing to do with SST cards, except that an OSHA Outreach course can fulfill part of your SST training requirement.
OSHA is the primary federal agency regulating workplace safety in the U.S. They set training requirements nationally and standardize the curriculum for safety courses required at the state and local levels in some jurisdictions (OSHA 10 and OSHA 30).
As a result, "OSHA" has become shorthand for workplace safety training for many people. You'll hear people say "NYC OSHA requirements" or "OSHA SST card" when referring to the NYC Department of Buildings' construction Site Safety Training.
Who is Required to Get an SST Card in NYC?
You need an SST card for most construction or demolition projects in the five boroughs. SST training is mandatory for any site that requires one or more site safety management positions, like:
- Construction Superintendent (required for demolition or new construction nine stories or below)
- Site Safety Manager (needed for a demo or new construction 10-14 stories)
- Site Safety Coordinator (needed for a demo or new construction 15+ stories or 100,000+ sq ft)
Who's NOT Required to Get a Site Safety Training Card?
If you perform construction in New York City, you can skip the SST card by only doing construction or minor alterations to 1-, 2-, or 3-family homes.
DCA-licensed Home Improvement Contractors typically don't need an SST card.
Other construction projects will require an SST card unless you're in a position where you aren't performing any construction or demolition work. For example, flag persons and delivery drivers wouldn't need an SST card.
How Do You Earn a Site Safety Training Card?
To get your required SST card in NYC, you need to finish the appropriate level of training with a passing grade from a DOB-approved training provider like us.
There are two levels of training, and which SST card you're required to have will depend on your role. Supervisors need 62 hours of specific curriculum, and everyone else needs 40 hours.
What Type of Construction Site Safety Training Do I Need?
You need a Supervisor SST card if you're a:
- Site Safety Manager
- Site Safety Coordinator
- Concrete Safety Manager
- Construction Superintendent
- Competent Persons (designated by the Construction Superintendent)
All other construction or demolition personnel, including supervisors or team leads without a qualifying title, need a Worker SST card.
SST cards will be good for five years. When they expire, workers will need an 8-hour refresher, and supervisors will need a 16-hour refresher.
What's the Required Curriculum for a Site Safety Training Card?
If you're a new entrant in need of a Worker SST card now, you need to complete the following:
- OSHA 10-hour Construction Outreach Training
- 8-hour Fall Prevention
- 8-hour Site Safety Manager Refresher / Chapter 33
- 4-hour Support Scaffold
- 2-hour Drug and Alcohol Awareness
- 4 hours of General Electives
- 4 hours of Special Electives
New workers need OSHA 10 before they begin work, which will get them a Temporary SST card. The other credits need to be completed within six months.
To earn a Supervisor SST card, you need to complete the following:
- OSHA 30-hour Construction Outreach Training
- 8-hour Fall Prevention
- 8-hour Site Safety Manager Refresher / Chapter 33
- 2-hour Drug and Alcohol Awareness
- 4-hour Support Scaffold
- 2-hour Site Safety Plan (SSP)
- 2-hour Toolbox Talks
- 2-hour Pre-Task Safety Meetings
- 2 hours of General Electives
- 2 hours of Specialized Electives
Additionally, site safety management positions have specific courses to qualify for the title. For example, Concrete Safety Managers must complete a DOB-approved 30-hour course on concrete safety.
Can You Earn Your SST Card Online?
You can complete Site Safety Training through online courses with an approved training provider like us!
We offer a range of solutions for your SST needs, including worker and supervisor cards.
Enroll today to get started!