Posted on: July 6, 2023

OSHA 40 Expiration: How Long Does HAZWOPER Certification Last?

Hazwoper Certification

When you have to take mandatory safety training as extensive as the 40-hour HAZWOPER course, you probably don’t want to repeat it any sooner or more frequently than you have to.

That means staying on top of your refresher requirements.

In this article, we’ll go over how long initial HAZWOPER training stays good for, and what you need to do to stay on track. 

Does OSHA 40 Expire?

First things first, there is no such thing as OSHA 40. When people say "OSHA 40," they're actually talking about one of three safety courses.

OSHA's Outreach courses typically go by the name "OSHA + # of hours," but no 40-hour OSHA Outreach course exists. The longest Outreach course is 30 hours and is designed for supervisors that need an introduction to all of the safety topics for everyone under their supervision.

There are two 40-hour safety courses that don't officially go by the same naming convention but may be referred to erroneously as OSHA 40.

One is a regional program designed for the construction industry in New York City called Site Safety Training (SST). You may end up calling this "OSHA" because before SST existed, NYC required OSHA Outreach training.

The other is HAZWOPER, which does have a 40-hour initial training. HAZWOPER is a specific standard written by OSHA, but the courses aren't called "OSHA 40"; they're called "HAZWOPER 40."

Incidentally, another question you might see asked is, "How long does HAZWOPER certification last?"

The problem is that OSHA doesn't recognize the term "HAZWOPER certification"…or "OSHA certification," for that matter. OSHA is very strict about the terminology that OSHA-authorized training providers like us can use when talking about the courses we offer.

Obviously, they can't stop everyone from using those terms, and because you get a "certificate of completion" for earning a passing grade in these courses, "certification" has become common shorthand.

So "OSHA certification" gets used for passing an Outreach course, and "HAZWOPER certification" gets used for completing the proper HAZWOPER training.

And if you really want to make an OSHA bureaucrat's eye twitch, you might call it "OSHA 40 certification."

Is "OSHA 40 Certification" What You Need?

Before we get into expiration periods, let's discuss whether HAZWOPER 40 is the right course for you.

Who Needs HAZWOPER Training?

OSHA created the HAZWOPER standard for three specific job profiles:

  • Personnel at hazardous waste Treatment, Storage, and Disposal (TSD) facilities
  • Operators who clean up and remediate uncontrolled hazardous waste sites
  • Emergency responders that contain, control, and stabilize emergencies involving hazardous materials

Those specifically protected groups (and their supervisors) all need some type of HAZWOPER training to comply with OSHA mandates.

However, HAZWOPER training can also benefit workers that face hazardous working conditions like:

  • Immediately Dangerous to Life and Health (IDLH) environments
  • Oxygen-deficient atmospheres
  • High concentrations of toxic substances
  • Conditions that pose a fire or explosion hazard

Which Type of HAZWOPER Training Do You Need?

There are two types of initial HAZWOPER training available: a 24-hour course and the 40-hour course.

The 40-hour HAZWOPER course is for workers with the highest level of risk, including those that:

  • Regularly work with and clean up hazardous materials
  • Are involved in the storage and treatment of hazardous substances
  • Have exposure at or above permissible exposure levels (PELs)
  • Need respirators and other personal protective equipment (PPE) for over 30 days a year
  • Supervise employees who do any of the above

Workers who meet these criteria, and their supervisors, must pass the 40-hour course, then complete three days of supervised fieldwork.

The 24-hour HAZWOPER course is for workers that qualify for HAZWOPER but don't meet the criteria for the highest level of risk, like those with exposure below PELs or those that need PPE for less than 30 days a year. The 24-hour course is accompanied by one day of supervised fieldwork.

Supervisors need the 24-hour course if they supervise people who only need the lower level of protection. If they supervise people at both levels, they’ll need the 40-hour training program.  

How Long Is 40-Hour HAZWOPER Good For?

Once you successfully complete your initial HAZWOPER course, it's valid for a year.

Everyone who takes HAZWOPER training, whether it's HAZWOPER 24 or HAZWOPER 40, needs the same 8-hour refresher course. There's no fieldwork requirement to meet refresher requirements.

You need to complete all 8 hours of instruction within 12 months of your initial completion date. You can spread the required lessons throughout the year as long as you complete them all by the deadline.

What Happens If You Miss Your HAZWOPER Expiration?

According to a 2007 letter of interpretation from OSHA, it's up to your employer. If you go more than a year without completing the refresher, your employer needs to consider whether you have the necessary skills to do your job safely.

If they think you do, you can just complete the 8-hour refresher and reset the clock.

If they think you don't, you'll have to retake the appropriate initial course to get back on track.

Can You Complete HAZWOPER Training Online?

Online courses are an efficient and effective way to learn theory and facts, but can HAZWOPER training be completed online?

OSHA allows you to complete the "classroom" portions of initial HAZWOPER training with online instruction like ours. Still, employers are required to supplement the online material with a few things in person, including:

  • Supervised PPE practice, including respirators and full protective gear
  • Site-specific training that covers your employer's protocols and the location of safety resources
  • The required amount of supervised fieldwork

Since the refresher training has no supervised fieldwork requirement, does that mean you can satisfy the requirement with online training alone?

The answer is yes, with a caveat.

In a 1994 letter of interpretation, OSHA said that online training is sufficient as long as your employer can confirm that you demonstrate proficiency in hands-on tasks.

Where Do You Get Online HAZWOPER 40, HAZWOPER 24, or HAZWOPER 8?

We're an OSHA-authorized training provider, and our courses are available 24/7. The material is self-paced, so you can take your time with the parts that challenge you and breeze through the stuff that makes sense.

We offer HAZWOPER 40, HAZWOPER 24, and HAZWOPER 8 – in English and Spanish. Enroll today to start fulfilling your requirements!