Environmental Safety Courses
OSHA.com understands the need for outstanding environmental training for professionals working in a number of different industries. We also know how difficult it is to find training that is accessible, reasonably priced and current.
OSHA.com’s online courses are aligned with the specific standards for the field the training is designed for and are prepared and presented by experts in these fields. Grow your professional knowledge or get into compliance by taking our programs.

Certified Environmental Specialist Training
The Certified Environmental Specialist course has been established to give an intensive overview on EPA regulations to professionals who are working within the safety and environmental fields. Working on projects that can pose a potential danger to the public or environment—environmental compliance knowledge and implementation is a must in the workplace.
Course Hours: 24 Price: Was 299 Now only 255
RCRA in Day-to-Day Operations
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) is designed to track hazardous waste from cradle to grave. Under RCRA, hazardous waste generators are the first link in the cradle-to-grave hazardous waste management system. This Module covers RCRA Regulations relating to Generators, Containers, and Hazardous Waste Management Plan (HWMP). ...
Course Hours: 2 Price: 99
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