HAZWOPER 8-Hour Annual Refresher

Complete your required annual training with this 8-hour course, specifically designed for those who work in uncontrolled hazardous waste operations and have already completed 40-hour or 24-hour HAZWOPER training.

  • Covers Topics Required By 29 CFR 1910
  • Developed By Industry Experts
  • Meets OSHA Refresher Training Requirements
  • Instant Completion Certificate


Course Facts


What You Get

Certificate of Completion



8 Hours


Learning Type

100% online, available 24/7


Course Access

Courses Available 24/7


Course Structure

At your own pace, save progress as you go


Course Updates

Content is updated and current

Newly updated! Fully interactive training written by industry experts! 

SAVE with OSHA.com! For a limited time, our HAZWOPER 8-hour Refresher Course is on sale!

OSHA developed the HAZWOPER program to keep workers safe at hazardous sites. These extensive regulations ensure worker health and safety when followed. Our HAZWOPER courses comply with all OSHA regulations.

The HAZWOPER 40-hour course is approved for online distribution by OSHA.

Earn college credit with our HAZWOPER 40-hour Course. These credits are valid in Columbia Southern University degree programs. Students who complete this OSHA.com HAZWOPER 40-hour Course are exempt from the BOS 3125 Hazardous Material Management course. This exclusion is also valid for the Associate of Applied Science in Occupational Safety & Health.

Course Description Course Description

HAZWOPER 40-hour is a required course for anyone on the job site that performs activities that expose or potentially expose them to hazardous substances.

This course is designed for workers explicitly involved in clean-up operations, disposal, voluntary clean-up operations, emergency response operations, and treatment of hazardous substances or uncontrolled hazardous waste sites. HAZWOPER 40 Hour is a requirement for employees working on a project consisting of Uncontrolled Hazardous Waste Operations.

This course covers topics included in 29 CFR 1910.120. The following subjects are included in this course:

  • Protection against hazardous chemicals
  • Elimination of hazardous chemicals
  • Safety of workers and the environment
  • OSHA regulations

Please note that a total of eight hours of hands-on training is a requirement for the 40-hour HAZWOPER course. A qualified instructor must teach this training. The three days of job experience led by a trained, experienced supervisor is the employer’s responsibility.


Under 29 CFR 1910.120, trainees must have additional hands-on training in the donning, doffing, and use of the Personal Protective Equipment required for their job site(s).
Workers need 40 hours of training and a minimum of three days of supervised field experience before they are allowed to enter the job site.

This online course meets the 40-hour standard requirement of initial training. The required 8 hours of hands-on training can be completed by a qualified instructor. The three days of field experience under a trained, experienced supervisor is the responsibility of the employer.

Course Pre-Requisite Course Pre-Requisite

Enrollment is open to those who have already completed the 40-hour or 24-hour HAZWOPER training.

Learning Outcomes Learning Outcomes

  • Read and understand OSHA regulations and requirements
  • Summarize Site Characterization
  • Understand the principles of toxicology and how they relate to various types of chemical exposures
  • Describe potentially hazardous situations involving corrosives, solvents, oxidizers and reactive chemicals
  • Identify the uses for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and how to choose the correct PPE
  • Understand the principles of decontamination as well as levels of decontamination and methods
  • Understand the confined space permit system; be able to identify the main confined space atmospheric hazards, types of ventilation and gain an overall understanding of medical concerns associated with confined spaces
  • Understand the various considerations in an emergency situation and the importance of training and actions to personal safety and the safety of others

Course Features Course Features

  • OSHA 29 CFR 1910.120 compliant
  • 8 hours annual refresher training written by industry expert trainers!
  • 15 customized activities; 4 types: True/False, Multiple Choice, Drop Down, Drag & Drop
  • 11 Knowledge Checks, 5 questions each; un-graded, self paced
  • 7 videos
  • 9 Lesson Quizzes, 10 questions each; 70% pass rate
  • 1 Final Exam, 50 questions; 70% pass rate
  • Be compliant fast – receive your Certificate of Completion immediately after successful course completion


What Is HAZWOPER 8-Hour Annual Refresher Certification?

What's Included in This HAZWOPER 8-Hour Annual Refresher Training?

Who Needs HAZWOPER 8-Hour Annual Refresher Certification?

How Long Does HAZWOPER 8-Hour Annual Refresher Certification Last?

How Can I Get a Refund for My HAZWOPER 8-Hour Annual Refresher Course?

How Long Can I Access My HAZWOPER 8-Hour Annual Refresher Course Materials?

What Can I do if I Lose My HAZWOPER 8-Hour Annual Refresher Certificate?