SST 1-Hour Job Hazard Analysis
About This Course, Inc. is accredited by the International Accreditors for Continuing Education and Training (IACET) and offers IACET CEUs for its learning events that comply with the ANSI/IACET Continuing Education and Training Standard. IACET is recognized internationally as a standard development organization and accrediting body that promotes quality of continuing education and training.Our IACET Accreditation.
In the construction industry, job site safety is a priority. With workers from different companies performing a variety of tasks, the environment can be hectic, and conditions change frequently.
It is vital for construction workers to be alert in this complex work environment. A job hazard analysis (JHA) is a vital component of an effective Health and Safety Program to identify hazards and prevent injuries such as falls from elevated areas, injuries from machinery, electrocutions, and other many other dangers.
This course analyzes the relationship between the worker, the task, the tools, and the work environment, and details how and why a job hazard analysis should be conducted. You will learn why a JHA is essential, how hazards are evaluated, and how to monitor the JHA effectiveness.
This course fulfills 1 hour of general elective credit toward earning or renewing your Site Safety Training (SST) card.
After completing the lessons and passing the 10-question final exam with a score of at least 75%, you'll receive a certificate of completion. You get three attempts to pass the final exam.
This is an awareness-level orientation ONLY. Your employer's responsibility is to train you to recognize and avoid job site-specific hazards that can cause occupational injury and illness. Your employers must create Job Hazard Analyses and prepare you for the work you perform.
This course is a specialized elective course that can help fulfill the requirement for an individual applying for a Site Safety Training Card. This course does not provide any other qualification or authorization outside of the Site Safety Training Card.
Course Facts
What You Get
Certificate of completion
Course Format
100% online
Course Access
Courses Available 24/7
Course Structure
At your own pace, save progress as you go
Customer support available 7 days a week
Course Updates
Content is updated and current
Topics Covered
- Why is ergonomics important?
- Ergonomics and Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs)
- Are you increasing your risk?
- Effective Work Practices and Controls
Course Objectives
Lesson 1: Why we do job hazard analyses (JHAs)
This lesson discusses how Job Hazard Analysis fits into the evolution of workplace safety.
Lesson 2: Health & safety programs
This lesson reviews some common hazards as well as the elements of effective Health and Safety Programs.
Lesson 3: Creating a job hazard analysis
This lesson presents a step-by-step guide to conducting a Job Hazard Analysis.
Lesson 4: Hierarchy of controls – good, better, best
This lesson discusses a hazard control approach that uses the Hierarchy of Controls.
Lesson 5: What happens after the job hazard analysis?
This lesson explains how job hazard analysis should be part of an effective health & safety program.
Instructor Information
Instructor: John Rupp Jr.
Email: [email protected]
When Does My Course Expire?
Your course will expire one (1) year after you purchase it (the date you submit payment), unless the course itself indicates otherwise.
For more information about course expiration dates, please read Terms of Use.
How Quickly Will I Get My Certificate of Completion?
Once you finish your course and pass any required exams, you can print your certificate of completion right away.
What Can I Do If I Lose My Certificate?
If you lose your certificate of completion and need a new one, you can contact customer service at (877) 881-2235 or [email protected].
What If I Need a Refund for My Training Course?
If for some reason you are not happy and would like a refund, send us a request within 72 hours of purchase. Here are the eligibility requirements you must meet:
- Your purchase was made no more than 72 hours prior to your refund request.
- You have NOT
- Attempted any portion of a test or exam.
- Requested or been issued a certificate of completion.
- Completed 50% or more of the purchased course.
If you meet all of these criteria, submit your refund request in writing via email to [email protected] with a proof-of-purchase receipt and an explanation for why you are requesting a refund.
You can find more information about our refund policy here.