
Using the Emergency Response Guidebook (includes downloadable ERG)


The objective of this Using the Emergency Response Guidebook course is to train emergency responders in the proper and effective use of the most recent Emergency Response Guidebook.

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

  • Explain the use of each of the colored sections;
  • Identify hazardous materials in the guidebook using different criteria;
  • Establish safe distances for specific hazardous materials; and
  • Much more.
  • The ability to realize the need for additional resources, and to make appropriate notifications to the communication center.

Topics Covered

Module 1
Section 1 - Emergency Response Guidebook (ERG) Overview
Section 2 - ERG White Pages Quiz
Section 3 - ERG Yellow-bordered & Blue-bordered Pages
Section 4 - ERG Yellow-bordered & Blue-bordered Pages Quiz
Section 5 - ERG Orange-bordered Pages
Section 6 - ERG Orange-bordered Pages Quiz
Section 7 - ERG Green-bordered Pages
Section 8 - ERG Green-bordered Pages Quiz
ERG Exercise


Using the Emergency Response Guidebook (includes downloadable ERG)


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