OSHA Promo & Discount Codes

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  • Exoeruebce 100% Online, Self-Paced Learning Without Timers
  • All Courses on Sale Now!

Find our active discount codes for OSHA.com below. Codes are valid for a limited time only.
Please apply them during checkout to save on your online OSHA training courses.

Note: Promo codes are case-sensitive.


OSHA 10 & 30-hour Construction Training Package

OSHA.com is the premier online safety training site for construction, general industry and OSHA Outreach Training. Our interactive online courses include the 10 Hour Outreach, 30 Hour Outreach, and the Hazwoper 40 Hour, 24 Hour and 8 Hour Refresher. The OSHA 10- & 30-hour Construction Outreach Training Programs are intended to provide a comprehensive safety program designed for anyone involved in the construction industry.

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Use code: SAVE14
SAVE $14 229.00 215.00
Take $14 Off
Promo Code: SAVE14
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OSHA 10 & 30-hour General Industry Outreach Training Package

OSHA.com is the premier online safety training site for construction, general industry and OSHA Outreach Training. Our interactive online courses include the 10 Hour Outreach, 30 Hour Outreach, and the HAZWOPER 40 Hour, 24 Hour and 8 Hour Refresher. The OSHA 10- & 30-hour General Industry Outreach Training Programs were developed by the OSHA Training Institute with the intent to assist employers in training and introducing employees to the basic practices of identifying, reducing, eliminating and reporting hazards associated with their work.

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Use code: SAVE14
SAVE $14 229.00 215.00
Take $14 Off
Promo Code: SAVE14
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OSHA 10-Horas Curso en Español Para Construcción

Realice su curso de OSHA de 10 horas para divulgación en la industria de la construcción en OSHA.com, el nombre número uno en cursos de capacitación en seguridad en línea aceptados por OSHA.

Product Details
Use code: SAVENOW
SAVE $29.01 89.00 59.99
Take $29.01 Off
Promo Code: SAVENOW
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OSHA 10-Hour Construction Training Course

Take your OSHA 10 hour course for construction industry outreach from OSHA.com, the #1 name in OSHA-accepted online safety training courses. OSHA recommends Outreach Training Program courses as an orientation to occupational safety and health for workers covered by OSHA 29 CFR 1926. Workers must receive additional training, when required by OSHA standards, on the specific hazards of the job. Upon successful completion of the course, participants will receive an OSHA 10-Hour Construction Outreach DOL course completion card within 2 weeks.

Product Details
Use code: SAVENOW
SAVE $29.01 89.00 59.99
Take $29.01 Off
Promo Code: SAVENOW
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OSHA 10-Horas Curso en Español Para Industría General

Realice su curso de OSHA de 10 horas para divulgación en la industria general de OSHA.com, el nombre número uno en cursos de capacitación en seguridad en línea aceptados por OSHA.

Product Details
Use code: SAVENOW
SAVE $29.01 89.00 59.99
Take $29.01 Off
Promo Code: SAVENOW
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OSHA 10-Hour General Industry Training Course

Take your OSHA 10 hour course for general industry outreach from OSHA.com, the #1 name in OSHA-accepted online safety training courses. OSHA recommends Outreach Training Programs as an orientation to occupational safety and health for workers covered by OSHA 29 CFR 1910. General industry workers must receive additional training, when required by OSHA standards, on specific hazards of the job. Upon successful completion of the course, participants will receive an OSHA 10-Hour General Industry Outreach DOL course completion card within 2 weeks.

Product Details
Use code: SAVENOW
SAVE $29.01 89.00 59.99
Take $29.01 Off
Promo Code: SAVENOW
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OSHA 10 y 30-hour Construction Training Course Spanish

Para concienciar sobre los procedimientos de seguridad y reducir las muertes y accidentes en el trabajo, la OSHA ha desarrollado programas de formación de divulgación para la mano de obra actual. Hay dos programas de formación diferentes específicamente para los trabajadores de la construcción: OSHA 10 horas y OSHA 30 horas.

Product Details
Use code: SAVE4
SAVE $4 215.00
Take $4 Off
Promo Code: SAVE4
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OSHA 10 y 30-hour General Industry Training Course

La OSHA ha desarrollado programas de formación de divulgación para concienciar sobre la seguridad en el lugar de trabajo y los posibles peligros que pueden causar accidentes y lesiones. Hay dos programas diseñados para educar a los trabajadores de la industria general: OSHA 10 horas y OSHA 30 horas.

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Use code: SAVE4
SAVE $4 215.00
Take $4 Off
Promo Code: SAVE4
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OSHA 30-Horas Curso en Español Para Construcción

Realice su curso de 30 horas de OSHA para la divulgación en la industria de la construcción en OSHA.com, el nombre número uno en cursos de capacitación en seguridad en línea aceptados por OSHA.

Product Details
Use code: SAVENOW
SAVE $29.01 189.00 159.99
Take $29.01 Off
Promo Code: SAVENOW
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OSHA 30-Hour Construction Training Course

Take your OSHA 30 hour course for construction industry outreach from OSHA.com, the #1 name in OSHA-accepted online safety training courses. OSHA recommends Outreach Training Programs as an orientation to occupational safety and health for workers covered by OSHA 29 CFR 1926. Construction workers must receive additional training, when required by OSHA standards, on specific hazards of the job. Upon successful completion of the course, participants will receive an OSHA 30-Hour Construction Outreach DOL course completion card within 2 weeks.

Product Details
Use code: SAVENOW
SAVE $29.01 189.00 159.99
Take $29.01 Off
Promo Code: SAVENOW
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OSHA 30-Horas Curso en Español Para Industría General

Realice su curso de OSHA de 30 horas para divulgación en la industria general de OSHA.com, el nombre número uno en cursos de capacitación en seguridad en línea aceptados por OSHA.

Product Details
Use code: SAVENOW
SAVE $29.01 189.00 159.99
Take $29.01 Off
Promo Code: SAVENOW
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OSHA 30-Hour General Industry Training Course

Take your OSHA 30 hour course for general industry outreach from OSHA.com, the #1 name in OSHA-accepted online safety training courses. OSHA recommends Outreach Training Programs as an orientation to occupational safety and health for workers covered by OSHA 29 CFR 1910. General industry workers must receive additional training, when required by OSHA standards, on specific hazards of the job. Upon successful completion of the course, participants will receive an OSHA 30-Hour General Industry Outreach DOL course completion card within 2 weeks.

Product Details
Use code: SAVENOW
SAVE $29.01 189.00 159.99
Take $29.01 Off
Promo Code: SAVENOW
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